Support our work Corporate partnerships Corporate partnerships If you’re a company operating in Luton or Bedfordshire, developing a long-term relationship with us could be a great way of supporting our work while meeting your business goals. Alongside making a commitment to giving something back to the community, many of the fundraising and other supportive activities you could take could bring huge benefits to your organisation and the people who work there – team building, networking and raising staff morale for instance. Here are some ways you could get involved: Sponsor a service (or part of a service) £15000 would fund our Domestic Abuse support groups for one year, helping at least 100 women £11,600 would allow us to send a specialist Trainer out across Bedfordshire to deliver activities that protect women and girls from Harmful Practices. £2600 would cover the yearly cost of an arts/ crafts therapy project for 30 women £2000 would pay for volunteer expenses at the centre £230 would fund one session of our Wellbeing Group, benefiting 12 women £50 would pay for one of our client’s vital counselling sessions Fundraising events Host a company dinner, quiz night, golf-tournament or other event, or run a dress-down day with bucket collection at work. Take on a challenge Get a group of challenge-hungry colleagues together to participate in a sponsored activity – how about running a marathon, mountain climbing, or skydiving! Support our Women’s Academy Talk to us about providing opportunities for women who are participating in our Women’s Academy programme at your organisation. We’re looking for options such as work placements, volunteering, trial days and interview practice. Volunteer with us On occasions we have jobs and activities at the centre that we need external help with. Perhaps your organisation has a qualified Trainer who could volunteer the occasional day to support our staff/ volunteer training programme? Or maybe your team could help us now and then with practical one-off jobs at the centre (e.g. helping us to manage recycling of old furniture)? Collect and deliver donated goods We also need volunteers who can help us maintain a supply of donated goods that we can pass on to the vulnerable women we support. The items we need include things like books, CDs, tinned and dried food items, sanitary wear and toiletries. Could your workplace organise collections of these items and then deliver them to us at our premises in central Luton? You can do this as little or as often as you choose and we’ll always be grateful for your help. Take a look at our Donate Goods page for more details. Let us help you We have developed a range of training and consultancy services for employers. While some services are free, others are fee-paying and therefore make a small contribution towards our work. Find out more here. Support us with a corporate partnership If your company is interested in becoming one of our valued corporate partners, please initially send us a brief summary of what you’d like to get involved in and what you’d like to achieve. We’re a small team but will do our best to support your ideas and aims. Email [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences