Help fund our vital work

along with

LAWC Women's Fund

Sign up instructions: (1) Choose a donation amount (Note the Gift Aid requirements and remember you can go higher than £25 if you wish). (2) Check the ‘regular payment’ box, select monthly and choose your preferred date. (3) Check the Gift Aid box if relevant. (4) Write ‘LAWC Women’s Fund member’ in the comments box. (5) Complete your personal/payment details and submit the form. (6) Look out for your donation thank you message and we’ll be in touch again soon. Read more

LAWC’s Secret Santa Appeal

Will you make us your Secret Santa? Due to issues caused by the pandemic, we’re experiencing huge increases in demand for support right now. Please help us raise £500 towards our vital services for local women by making us your ‘Secret Santa’. With a small one-off donation of as little as £5, you will be making a big difference. Thank you! Read more

Fundraise for LAWC

As a charity, we largely depend on grants and voluntary donations to meet the £1200 price tag we incur every single day. This is how we can continue caring for some of the most vulnerable women and girls in our community. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Read more